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I saw, the mosque did not come forward hearing the cry of the dead or the injured the
stone – gods did not respond. Only their altars were showered with their blood. … I
saw Allah did not come to save His mosque, Kali did not come to protect mother
Kali’s temple. The tops of the temples got smashed, the domes of the mosques got
vanished. But no response from Allah or Kali. No thunderbolt on the heads of the Muslims from the sky, no shower of stones of Ababil on the heads of the Hindus.
In this chaos some Hindu boys came and took the clean shaved, riot-hit Khairu Mian to the crematorium for burning him, uttering ‘Bolo Hori Hori Bol’ (say Hori, Hori say) and Muslim boys took the bullet-hit bearded dead body of Sadananda Babu to the burial ground to bury him chanting La Ilaha Illalahu.
The temple and the mosque shook as if they were laughing looking at each other.” In Nazrul’s consciousness was embedded the desire for the upsurge of the mighty human spirit. This mighty spirit lies in man’s bosom. To Nazrul nothing is more sacred than the heart and to obtain the nearness of God you have to dip in the Truth- river, rather than search through pages of Shastra. In another article entitled ‘Hindu- Musalman’ (The Hindus and Muslims) Nazrul has given a picturesque explication by writing – “It is possible to put up with religious truth but as the sastras have through the ages become intolerable, man has rebelled against them. The staff of Narayan and the sword of Allah shall never clash since the two are one and the weapon held in one of His hands shall not fall upon the weapon held in another. He can be called by any name and all names have converged unto Him. Amid this hostility the only solace is that Allah alias Narayan is neither Hindu nor Muslim. He sports neither a pigtail nor beard. It is completely ‘clean’.
I can tolerate Hinduism and Islamism, but I cannot tolerate Tikism (Tiki is a tuft of never-cut hair kept at the back of the head by certain Hindus to maintain personal Holiness) and Beardism. Tiki is not Hinduism. It may be the sign of the pundit. Similarly beard is not Islam, it may be the sign of the mullah. All the hair-pulling have originated from those two tufts of hair. Today’s fighting is also between the Pundit and the Mollah: It is not between the Hindus and the Muslims.